Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Changes not made to be..

Its 2 in the morning and im still howling around like a night owl...And im doin a lot of thinkin!!..I think that at certain point of time in your life you find yourself at crossroads where it is hard for you to decide where to head or move.You find yourself lonely in this still crowded place filled with filth and all the crapy stuff of life where everybody is trying to snatch your last rights and hook you to a place where you can't find even a single drop of water. Well for the past few weeks certain things have gone beyond my control. Would not like to mention here... But were all my faults, atleast i think so...So, trying to change myself, I dont know for whom or why?? Now Im getting forced to change or its happening on its own?? Well really difficult to tell.. Or is it good for me or bad? Can't say again...But probabily this change is inevitable. And somehow how i feel its building my character more and more... Shaping my future and prepraring myself for the things to come...Talkin bout changes I have changed a lot, what i was a few years back and what im now...Two different personalities poles apart fighting to decide whose better but reaching to a no conclusion...I have seen many downs and each down has taken me to a new high...Well this is change!!..So, if i have to pick one, i'll definitely choose the changed man in me or the man im getting changed to day by day...