Monday, February 19, 2007

I don't want to name it..

After a heavy supper one night I decided to go for a walk...At the dead-end of a certain road I saw a flash of dark light.. I'm carried away by that unusual thing and out of nowhere I decide to touch and feel it.. As soon as i did, am taken very very far away..I go round and round and round and see a nothing but a spot of that same miscellaneous light. I decided to go close and have a first hand experience..A lot of random things comes to my mind.. I got further attracted to it and it seems to be continously increasing...Still clueless i decide to go further close...Now my curiousity comes to a full bloom...But the more close I go , more far the distance seems to be... What the heck??? This journey seems to be endless... I'm tired, I'm weak and cant move a little further...But I decide, no matter what happens i will find a way to get in... So with the help of my "second wind" I again start my journey... But the things are not the way they are supposed to be...What f*c$king piece of shit is this man?? I can't get close enough, i can't get far away... Oh good God!!... I'm in the middle of nowhere... What the f*ck shoud i do now?? I start to cry for help!! But no one seems to listen to me... Damn!!... I'm struck..And then suddenly my phone rings... And i woke up Thank God... It was a dream... But after many years still I doubt whether it was a dream or my journey to a place called Earth??... And it never seems to be solved...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

डरता हूँ मैं कहीँ कोई मेरे ज़ख्मो पर वार ना कर जाए ,
दबे हुए मरहम को कही कोई बेनकाब ना कर जाए ,
डरता हूँ मैं उडती पतंग पर कहीँ कोई पथराव ना कर जाए ,
जीवन कि डोर पर कहीँ कोई घाँट ना बन जाए .
डरता हूँ मैं जिन्दगी कि लहरों पर कहीँ कोई रुकावट ना बन जाए ,
आस्मान पर उद्तेय पक्षी को कही किसी कि नज़र ना लग जाए .
डरता हूँ मैं जीवन कि उस सचायी से ,
जिसने बाँध रखा है, उन बंदिशो ने जिन्होने जकड रखा है ,
शायद इस दर के कारन ही जिंदा हूँ मैं ,
शायद इस दर के कारन ही जिंदा हूँ मैं....